Archives for 2020

Online Shop remains open

We have stocks of all our pub­li­ca­tions on the his­to­ry of Scot­land’s print­ing indus­try avail­able through our online shop. Deliv­ery may be a bit delayed, but your order will be processed as soon as possible.

History of the Printed Image Network launched

The His­to­ry of the Print­ed Image Net­work (HoPIN) is a new net­work for any­one inter­est­ed in the his­to­ry of print­ed images, includ­ing (but not lim­it­ed to) artis­tic prints, book illus­tra­tion, chap­books, bal­lad-sheets, etc. There is no charge for mem­ber­ship or for online events. The net­work is part of the Cen­tre for Print­ing His­to­ry and Culture […]

Open House at St Bride’s

St Bride Foun­da­tion, just off Fleet Street, hous­es the his­to­ry of print and the skills that made the area the undis­put­ed home of print­ing and pub­lish­ing in Lon­don. Tour the print­ing work­shop, his­toric rooms, and famous library at this Open House event on 20 Sep­tem­ber 2020. Free entrance (pre-reg­is­­tra­­tion required) through the St Brides website.

Quarto Press open for visitors

The Quar­to Press will be open for the Doors Open Day week­end in Perth & Kin­ross (Sat­ur­day 19 & Sun­day 20 Sepem­ber): a wide col­lec­tion of mate­r­i­al and machines from the 500-year-old craft of print­ing will be on dis­play, with demon­stra­tions and oppor­tu­ni­ties to par­tic­i­pate set­ting type and print­ing an item. Book­ing is essential — […]

St Bride’s Library is reopening

St Bride’s Library has re-opened to per­son­al vis­i­tors on by aapoint­ment only on Wednes­days. Appoint­ments can be booked by email­ing and will be allo­cat­ed on a first come first served basis. Vis­i­tors must book a 3‑hour slot (either 12:00–3:00 or 3:30 – 6:30pm) and there is a lim­it of 10 items per per­son. Full […]

Conference on regional printing

A con­fer­ence on Places, spaces and the print­ing press: imprint­ing region­al iden­ti­ties will take place in March 2021 At the Nation­al and Uni­ver­si­ty Library, Ljubl­jana, Slove­nia. Paper pro­pos­al should be sub­mit­ted by 20 Sep­tem­ber 2020, and a selec­tion of papers, in expand­ed form, will be pub­lished in a spe­cial­ly edit­ed vol­ume of the series ‘Print­ing […]

Periscope Press acquires Victoria printing machine

SPrAT Trustee, Tim Hon­nor has recent­ly installed a new machine at the his pri­vate press in Inver­ness. The Vic­to­ria print­ing machine may be the only one of its kind in Scot­land in work­ing order — it was made in 1932 and is elec­tri­cal­ly dri­ven. The Periscope Press also has a trea­dle ‘Arab’ plat­en made in […]

Support available from the Printing Charity

The Print­ing Char­i­ty is open and are work­ing to sup­port peo­ple dur­ing the cur­rent emer­gency. It is the only ded­i­cat­ed char­i­ty for peo­ple work­ing in or con­nect­ed to print­ing, pub­lish­ing, pack­ag­ing, and the graph­ic arts. If you have worked or are still work­ing in the print­ing indus­try, and need prac­ti­cal or emo­tion­al sup­port you can […]

Death of former Trustee

Richard (Dick) Hon­our, a for­mer Trust­ess, died in Edin­burgh ear­li­er this month. He saw active ser­vice dur­ing the Sec­ond World War, after which he taught print­ing in Oxford and then at Napi­er Col­lege (now Edin­burgh Napi­er Uni­ver­si­ty). The Trust would like to offer its con­do­lences to all his family. 

New date for ‘Printing for Tourists’ conference

The Print Net­works / CPHC Con­fer­ence ‘A vis­i­tor attrac­tion: print­ing for tourists’ which was due to take place in Apple­­by-in-West­­­more­­land in July 2020 has been post­poned to 20–21 July 2021. ‘Print­ing for tourists’ encom­pass­es tick­ets, notices, leaflets, labels, fold­ers, bill­heads and oth­er throw­aways, along­side books both phys­i­cal and vir­tu­al, that have come to rep­re­sent tourists […]