Baskerville Bible to stay in Birmingham

The future of the Baskerville Bible owned by Birm­ing­ham inven­tor and indus­tri­al­ist Matthew Boul­ton has been secured, and it will now be housed in the Cad­bury Research Library at the Uni­ver­si­ty of Birm­ing­ham, along­side the University’s many oth­er Baskerville hold­ings. The lives of Matthew Boul­ton and the print­er John Baskerville were inter­twined both com­mer­cial­ly and social­ly, and a con­sor­tium of inter­est­ed par­ties, includ­ing the Baskerville Soci­ety, Cad­bury Research Library (Uni­ver­si­ty of Birm­ing­ham), Cen­tre for Print­ing His­to­ry & Cul­ture, Birm­ing­ham Civic Soci­ety and the Lunar Soci­ety  came togeth­er to ensure the future of this impor­tant item. For the full sto­ry and news of plans to cel­e­brate this event in the future, see the web­site of the Cen­tre for Print­ing His­to­ry & Cul­ture.