OTD 5 March 1822

The Soci­ety of Book­binders in Edin­burgh was formed in 1814, as a relief soci­ety for sick and unem­ployed mem­bers. On 5 March 1822 the name changed to the Union Soci­ety of Edin­burgh Jour­ney­man Book­binders. The Soci­ety con­tin­ued for 50 years, remain­ing inde­pen­dent of the Book­binders’ Con­sol­i­dat­ed Union until Sep­tem­ber 1872 when the two organ­i­sa­tions amal­ga­mat­ed to form the local branch of the Book­binders and Machine Rulers’ Con­sol­i­dat­ed Union.